First her music debut:
In 2008, the singer made her debut on the music market with the release of The Fame, which she described as a way to explore the emotions of a famous person. The album was promoted, inter alia, by two international hits Just Dance and Poker Face.Before becoming Lady Gaga, Stefani as she recorded the album Red and Blue.
Second type of music:
She sings pop music.
Third her style:
Sex appeal, controversy, courage and folly. The controversial style of Lady Gaga's is probably known to everyone. The singer known for her outrageous creations can transform into anyone she wants. Fans love her chameleon nature and ease of reach for even the most controversial bits of the show, despite their unusual forms.
Fourth my opinion:
I think that some of the "Lady gags are really cool but her style of clothing discourages me to know her better. What is known is that the stars to stand out from the crowd will do anything. But I admire her for courage.
What do you think about Lady Gaga ? Write to me:
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This book is addressed for people who likes books about love, friends etc.
Brief description:
When she realizes how much neglected because of some friends there, boy, take an important decision: friendship first and foremost. It's not the end of its provisions. Counting on the support of Chole and Rani, Carrie hopes to become a better person. So start looking for a boyfriend and a friend zahukanej to tame a rebellious girl who in the middle of the school year goes to their class. And above it all the time Carrie is trying to attract the attention of the most handsome boy at school.
My opinion:
This book gives food for thought... When you read it you think about friendship and about what is important for us. Its very wise book. I recommend it. =D
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Ok this is my school for girls... I know this is so embarrassing, but I like this school... In Poland lessons look different than in USA. School starts at 8 am. or 7:30 am. and each class has a different lesson plan about 7/8 per day. Later are interest clubs, and students finish about 3 or 4 pm. Each student has a 10 minutes breaks beetwen lessons and one break for lunch <15-20 minutes>. Our lessons are very boring and teachers are very demanding...
I hate polish schools because the government all the time has a new stupid ideas...
This is typical day of polish students...Bye
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Hi people . I'm Claudia and on this blog I will write about everything.
primarily about polish fashion and habits and my dreams... Ok So let's get started.